Scalp massages for promoting healthy hair growth..

Lately I’ve been trying to introduce new practices to my regimen, try new products and all that and one thing that’s caught my attention of recent is scalp massages. I haven’t really been doing them so far in my hair journey except when shampooing so I was curious about it and decided to read up on it and after I did, I thought it was worth sharing so here..

Scalp massage therapy is possibly one of the most relaxing treatments out there because there is so much tension in our neck and head and having a little relief by massaging those areas makes a lot of difference.. But asides that, the most important benefit of a good head massage is increasing blood flow to your head and scalp.  Performing a hair care regimen that keeps hair clean, conditioned and moisturized helps to ensure that hair grows out strong and healthy and adding a scalp massage to a hair care regimen stimulates the scalp, improves circulation and reduces stress. If you’re to promote hair growth, you should consider performing scalp massages regularly. This new blood flow will stimulate the capillaries in your head and promote healthy hair regrowth.

1. It helps enhance blood circulation in the head and neck area. When the scalp is “tight” from stress, circulation and hair growth are impeded.
2. It lubricates and conditions the scalp, helping to prevent flakes and dry scalp without the use of harsh chemical shampoos.
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Top mistakes ladies make in caring for our hair..

Ordinarily, the topic of this post would be top mistakes made by naturals or something but then there’s tons of people with relaxed/transitioning hair who take good care of their hair or try to.. So I put together a number of things that we do or have done wrong that we may not even be aware of..

1. Stop comparing your hair to every one else’s (or the gorgeous bloggers on the Internet). We al have different textures, types, regimens, Bla Bla. So just focus on your hair.
2. Purchasing every recommended product. Not everything is for you no matter who recommends it or what’s been said about it. Think of it as getting something for your pimple / acne. People always say use this and that and at the end you find out that not everything works. Saying yes to every product just leads to product junking. I’m totally against that! It’s not good for your pocket or your hair for that matter even if it’s free.
3. Using oil as a moisturizer.. You’ll often hear people say my hair is dry I need to oil it especially in this part of the world lol.. That doesn’t do anything to actually moisturize your hair..No honey.. What you need is a water based conditioner or good ole water itself then you seal with oil. Continue reading

A “not so washday” wash day – Home made Protein treatment and green tea rinse

Hi hi hi.. Funny things have been happening to me. Like am I the only one whose hair sheds crazy at “that time” of the month? And why does eating groundnut make me break out so much? Tell me we are in this together? Yes? Lol I’m just mad because I like groundnuts.

Anyway I come bearing a quick post on my last wash day / protein treatment. I said in a previous post that the plan was to leave the corn rows from my last fixing till further notice, well here is further notice because my mum won’t let me rest about how rough my hair looked so I carefully took down the corn rows and I’m happy to announce that my edges are doing just fine but I digress. On taking down the corn rows, I had this insane idea to rock a braid out so I didn’t detangle my hair. I just moisturized and sealed daily and I thought I was good. Fast forward to some days later, anytime I put my hand in my hair, it comes out with hair in it. I usually check to see if it’s breaking or just shedding so I’ll know what to do and it was mostly shedded but I was super uncomfortable with the amount of shedded hair because I don’t think my hair grows that fast as to replace all that hair and because I didn’t detangle my hair earlier, they were getting knotted. Sad.

So I started thinking, what can I do? who have I offended? and all that and then it occurred to me that oh, Im on my period but even then, it’s usually not this much. So after  some soul searching, I decided to do a protein treatment and green tea rinse since Continue reading

How I made my Rosemary oil and benefits.

Hey lovelies.

imageThis post is on a simple DIY I did about a month ago. Been reading about the benefits of Rosemary oil so I decided to make one for myself. Here are some of the benefits I got from around the web:
– When applied over the scalp, rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth. Many people also claim that it can prevent baldness, slows graying, and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp.

– Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus encouraging hair growth.
-Due to it’s antibacterial quality, it gently cleanses hair.
-Increases Continue reading

Why your hair isn’t growing II : Reasons


Hey lovelies.
So as promised, here are some of the reasons why your hair may not seem to be growing or you’re not retaining Length.

Not enough Moisture : With our climate here and general hair type, our hair is almost always dry and doesn’t retain as much moisture as it needs. The key is to make sure you’re doing your part by moisturizing constantly. DO NOT over shampoo your hair and please deep condition your hair (this has been my game changer). Retaining moisture helps fight breakage which promotes length retention.. You see? It’s all one long chain. On the other hand, do not over moisturize. You don’t want too soft hair either..

Knowing your hair porosity: Porosity is the measure of the hairs ability to absorb moisture. It may not be the end of the World if you don’t know whether your hair is highly porous or has low porosity or maybe it’s somewhere in the middle but having this knowledge provides a guide line on how you treat your hair. Whether you need more moisture or you can do without all that hair product that’ll weigh your strands down. For those with low hair porosity, Continue reading

DIY: Avocado and egg treatment..

Hi my beautiful people.. I’m here with the very first DIY tip on this blog *drum roll*… avocado

So I’ve been reading about this avocado and egg deep conditioning treatment for a while but I had not tried it until my hair was due for deep conditioning last week and my deep conditioner was flashing red signs i.e almost finished. I use Organics by Africas best Olive oil deep conditioner and it costs about N900 (I know right!) and I absolutely love it.. it makes my hair really soft and my curls pop.. I alternate with a another conditioner but that’s not the point.. The point is Continue reading