Visual Impressions…

These are my visual impressions of the week.. A new segment on the blog that wouldn’t necessarily be centered on hair.. Just anything I find on Instagram or the web generally that I appreciate and I think you’ll appreciate too and maybe draw some inspiration or style from. Last week, I saw a post on the Internet on how a natural haired girl in the Bahamas I think was kicked out of school by her principal for her “untidy” hair and all of that and it inspired me to put up this post. I’m not an advocate for natural hair or anything like that but it’s just so beautiful and it keeps blowing my mind away and no one should have a problem with it.. I know our hair can be all over the place sometimes but I’ll take a few bad hair days to look this awesome yes? Continue reading

Havana twists for less than N2000


I couldn’t wait!! I was going to put this post up later but I couldn’t sit still and keep you all in the dark about this MAJOR dupe for Havana twists I got. I’ve been wanting to get crochet braids Havana twists since as long as Instagram bloggers made it look cool lol but it’s really scarce here in Nigeria and when you finally find it, it costs quite a lot considering you have to use between 3-5 packs to get the desired volume you want. Over the weekend, I got grey box braids (crochet of course) done but sadly I got complains from my Ogas at the top at work about how unprofessional it was or whatever by the way, I’m just a Corper oh. Anyhooo, I innocently went to the market to get black Brazilian wool to recreate the same style and I had actually already paid for the rolls I got and was about leaving the shop when I saw it!! I saw this already twisted kinky looking hair just waiting for me to crochet it to my beautiful head. I quickly gave back the wools in exchange for them and I’m really happy I did. It was so cheap that I thought I was dreaming. Please keep reading to get the juicy details on this look!

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Top mistakes ladies make in caring for our hair..

Ordinarily, the topic of this post would be top mistakes made by naturals or something but then there’s tons of people with relaxed/transitioning hair who take good care of their hair or try to.. So I put together a number of things that we do or have done wrong that we may not even be aware of..

1. Stop comparing your hair to every one else’s (or the gorgeous bloggers on the Internet). We al have different textures, types, regimens, Bla Bla. So just focus on your hair.
2. Purchasing every recommended product. Not everything is for you no matter who recommends it or what’s been said about it. Think of it as getting something for your pimple / acne. People always say use this and that and at the end you find out that not everything works. Saying yes to every product just leads to product junking. I’m totally against that! It’s not good for your pocket or your hair for that matter even if it’s free.
3. Using oil as a moisturizer.. You’ll often hear people say my hair is dry I need to oil it especially in this part of the world lol.. That doesn’t do anything to actually moisturize your hair..No honey.. What you need is a water based conditioner or good ole water itself then you seal with oil. Continue reading

How to have fun with your hair.

Hey guys.

So I just thought I should remind y’all that as important as it is to take care of your hair and grow healthy and beautiful hair, I think it’s also important to remember to enjoy that beautiful hair. Bring it out once in a while, style it, color it (can be temporary), blow dry or  stretch it, do whatever works but just have fun because hey! It’s your hair..

So I’ll just post some pictures serving you some natural hair goodness and fun because long gone are the days when growing your natural hair was boring or reserved. Enjoy and let me know what you think.




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A “not so washday” wash day – Home made Protein treatment and green tea rinse

Hi hi hi.. Funny things have been happening to me. Like am I the only one whose hair sheds crazy at “that time” of the month? And why does eating groundnut make me break out so much? Tell me we are in this together? Yes? Lol I’m just mad because I like groundnuts.

Anyway I come bearing a quick post on my last wash day / protein treatment. I said in a previous post that the plan was to leave the corn rows from my last fixing till further notice, well here is further notice because my mum won’t let me rest about how rough my hair looked so I carefully took down the corn rows and I’m happy to announce that my edges are doing just fine but I digress. On taking down the corn rows, I had this insane idea to rock a braid out so I didn’t detangle my hair. I just moisturized and sealed daily and I thought I was good. Fast forward to some days later, anytime I put my hand in my hair, it comes out with hair in it. I usually check to see if it’s breaking or just shedding so I’ll know what to do and it was mostly shedded but I was super uncomfortable with the amount of shedded hair because I don’t think my hair grows that fast as to replace all that hair and because I didn’t detangle my hair earlier, they were getting knotted. Sad.

So I started thinking, what can I do? who have I offended? and all that and then it occurred to me that oh, Im on my period but even then, it’s usually not this much. So after  some soul searching, I decided to do a protein treatment and green tea rinse since Continue reading

My night time routine and what guys may think about it…

Hey guys..

Ok so I went out a couple of days ago to see a friend and my hair was looking nice if I may say so myself so of course I took a couple selfies.. A really close friend (guy) saw the picture on my update and said I looked beautiful and that my hair had gotten full.. I’m a sucker for compliments by the way so of course I felt fly.

Later that night when I had gotten back Continue reading