How to get rid of shaving bumps using a Leave-in conditioner.

Hey guys, Happy new month! So you know how it’s usually supposed to be a compliment when people say “oh your hair grows so fast” probably because they’ve noticed that you gain 6″ of hair per year while they’re still struggling with 3″ and you’re supposed to smile and say thank you? lol. I mean its nice but what these people don’t know is that the rate at which your hair grows on your head, it grows 2 times faster in the armpits, legs and even down there. And as a decent human being, You can’t be walking around with hair in your armpit so that usually means you have to shave at least 2 times a week. Story of my life!

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Learn how to make wigs in Lagos Nigeria.

Hello guys. Happy new month yaay..

How to make wigs

As some of you already know, Myself and Alex of nappyhaired have been hosting wig making workshops since 2016. It’s been amazing trust me and it just makes us so happy to see that we have contributed to people’s lives and businesses.

Our hope is that all the ladies or people who attend this workshop get a proper hold of this skill and go on to properly explore this field which the ladies from the previous workshops have already begun to do.. I’ve been tagged on some really nice progress pictures and it makes me super proud lol. This is a beginner workshop and it’s also for people who have prior knowledge that needs some fine tuning/brushing up.. So what’s going to be taught at the workshop? Read below:

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Hey guys..

I know I’m the only that sometimes looks in the mirror and doesn’t like the image staring back.. I also know that my skin isn’t smooth, my tommy isn’t flat enough, my hair isn’t curly or long enough, I’m a tad bit fatter than I want to be and generally my body isn’t just “body goals”. And at my age, I still have acne, the one that people promised me will clear up once my teenage years are over and oh! the stretch marks, these just keep appearing.. And some days, I see people with flawless skins who are other wise perfect and the insecurities set in. But you know what I came to realize, this is me! This is my body, this is who I am. I am so much more than the acne or even my straight white teeth, I am funny, smart, and so much more. So I learned to accept myself and love my self because flaws and all, that’s who I am and I can only get better. It’s a daily process though and that’s why I’m really excited about The girl journey event – The Project loving you! What is this about? I’ll tell ya.. Continue reading

DIY: How to make a pixie cut wig.

Hi my lovely people.. So I started 2016 with a Bang! Okay maybe not a bang but bangs and pixie cut, same difference lol..
How to make a pixie cut wig.Anyway, If you’re reading this post then you made it to the new year and I couldn’t be more thankful for you because as we know, it’s the greatest gift to have life. I started this blog in 2015 so if anything, I’m grateful for the past year and all the lessons it brought but that’s not why we are here lol. I know I was away for a while but that’s because I had to go to Nysc camp and Bla Bla.. Don’t even want to get into that one.

So I took out the crochet braids from this post and had a wash day similar to this one minus the protein treatment because my hair really needed the love.
I wanted to start the new year feeling myself with a little bit of Rihanna on the side so what I did was make this Pixie cut wig! There’s a feeling you get when you do something and you know it’s all you! Who else can relate? Lol.. Btw, it was my first time so I was a little nervous but please why do I use all that data watching YouTube videos if I can’t learn anything? Lol. I’ll leave a link but I watched a couple of videos so I can’t even remember.. You could type ‘How to make a pixie cut wig’ into the search engine and see what comes out. Making this wig wasn’t super easy but it definitely wasn’t difficult..
So what you’ll need: Continue reading