Benefits of Palm oil for the hair: my palm oil therapy

I don’t know what I was surfing the web for exactly but I was wondering what other oils are good for the hair or something and then I came across palm oil.. I’m like hol’up, palm oil? I read on though and I found out that it has plenty benefits for the hair some of them are similar to coconut oil. Then I checked why it’s not really common in the natural hair community if it was this good and saw that there was controversy due to the way some people believed it was processed. Hmm.. But here in Africa, we consume it left, right and center so I’m pretty sure that doesn’t apply. Before I continue, let me tell you some of the benefits of Palm oil for hair that I found on the Internet:

1. Red palm oil is also rich in vitamin E and that benefits the hair by promoting cell growth of the hair follicles, which results in stronger hair.
2. Vitamin E also decreases graying of the hair and hair loss
3.The carotenes in red palm oil is also responsible for the growth and division of cells and will prevent the hair from becoming weak and brittle
4.the saturated fats and lipids make this a perfect moisturizer for our skin and hair.
5. According to Livestrong, it also contains a refatting agent that will help restore our hair and skin’s natural oils that standard soaps and shampoos are known for stripping.
6. This oil also has antibacterial properties that will eliminate parasites, clean the skin and scalp, and create a healthier environment for hair growth
7. As far as our hair, no other plant-based oil has more vitamins A and E than red palm oil.

So one fateful day, towards the end of the week, my hair was feeling really dry and hard. Like majorly! And I had already deep conditioned for the week so I was thinking of what to do and I remembered what I read about Palm oil and decided to give it a try. This is the recipe I use for the length of my hair:
• 2 tbs of Palm oil
• 2 tbs of coconut oil
• 1 ts of honey..
Well I used more that 2 table spoons of Palm oil the first time and it ran all over my face and made a messy mess so I learned my lesson. Depending on the length of your hair, use accordingly.
Anyway, I put the oils in a bowl of hot water so it could get warm and then I mixed it together with the honey and applied it on my hair. I wore 2 plastic bags over my hair for heat and then when it started running all over, I had to get an old cloth to tie around to absorb the oil. Lol it was a mess but that’s pretty much the only con. I left it on for about 2 hours or a little less and then I co washed with my vo5 moisturizing conditioner. This didn’t get out all the oil but it was just enough to be enough lol. Ladies I tell you, my hair was soft for daysss. Like I didn’t even expect the result I got. My hair was well moisturized and really soft to touch. I was so happy with the result that I can’t even consider the mess from the Palm oil.
Besides, using just enough of it wont cause any mess. It’s like really cool cos it’s Palm oil for Petes sake. It’s everywhere in this country, it’s cheap and effective. I’m definitely going to keep doing this any time my hair be thirsty.. I used it to prepoo on my last wash day but I think I still prefer it as a deep conditioner. The prepoo would work for you though if you don’t want Palm oil on your hair or stuff.
You should too if you haven’t and let me know how it goes. Or do you think it’s weird?
xx Ella

26 thoughts on “Benefits of Palm oil for the hair: my palm oil therapy

  1. Thank you for this because I too am always looking for other natural oils to use on my hair and skin. i will definitely be buying some palm oil and using it as a deep conditioning treatment! #SharingIsCaring

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wow really! funny enough I’ve been thinking of what to use for my hair cos its been getting dry lately. God! I have a whole jar of palm oil in my kitchen and if not for this post I probably wouldn’t know the benefits of palm oil . I’m definitely going to try this. thanks for this post

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wow really! funny enough I’ve been thinking of what to use for my hair cos its been dry lately. i’m really happy about this, I have a jar of palm oil in my kitchen and if not for this post I probably wouldn’t know the benefits. I’m definitely going to try this. Thanks


  4. Oh well, i don’t blog about hair and I don’t read much about hair because I just thought people knew what was good for their hair. Reading your blog and a few others, I found people are really in the dark. Well, I don’t find your post weird because my mum, my brothers and I have actually been using palm kernel oil for our hair (both permed & virgin) and it makes it real softttt!!! [Notice that I said palm kernel oil, not palm oil here. Palm kernel oil is diff from palm oil, won’t I just write about hair on my blog in a bid to explain how you acheive this? *HairProblems]
    I just transitioned and I always use palm oil & honey to condition my hair, not because I don’t know other good conditioners but because I believe that Palm oil & honey are natural and won’t do any damage to my hair.
    Worst case scenerio, it could turn my hair into sticky orange moot if i don’t wash properly. But I’m def going to try your routine of adding coconut oil to the mixture & heating them all up. I’m gonna weigh the difference. I usually just use my shea butter & coco oil as a hair moisturizer.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much for this…buh palm oil isn’t something that would seem very easy to wash out tho. Can you please tell me how you wash it out so well. Thanks ☺


    • Oh it’s definitely not easy to wash out but if you use a moderate enough quantity, it shouldn’t be that hard. I co washed about two to three times when I used it to deep condition. There was still some left in my hair but it wasn’t a nuisance. It was just enough. It’s worth it though.


  6. Palm oil gives my hair the ultimate moisture boost. I usually mix it with a cowash conditioner before applying to my hair. The condish makes it easy to wash out of my hair.


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