How to have fun with your hair.

Hey guys.

So I just thought I should remind y’all that as important as it is to take care of your hair and grow healthy and beautiful hair, I think it’s also important to remember to enjoy that beautiful hair. Bring it out once in a while, style it, color it (can be temporary), blow dry or  stretch it, do whatever works but just have fun because hey! It’s your hair..

So I’ll just post some pictures serving you some natural hair goodness and fun because long gone are the days when growing your natural hair was boring or reserved. Enjoy and let me know what you think.




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A “not so washday” wash day – Home made Protein treatment and green tea rinse

Hi hi hi.. Funny things have been happening to me. Like am I the only one whose hair sheds crazy at “that time” of the month? And why does eating groundnut make me break out so much? Tell me we are in this together? Yes? Lol I’m just mad because I like groundnuts.

Anyway I come bearing a quick post on my last wash day / protein treatment. I said in a previous post that the plan was to leave the corn rows from my last fixing till further notice, well here is further notice because my mum won’t let me rest about how rough my hair looked so I carefully took down the corn rows and I’m happy to announce that my edges are doing just fine but I digress. On taking down the corn rows, I had this insane idea to rock a braid out so I didn’t detangle my hair. I just moisturized and sealed daily and I thought I was good. Fast forward to some days later, anytime I put my hand in my hair, it comes out with hair in it. I usually check to see if it’s breaking or just shedding so I’ll know what to do and it was mostly shedded but I was super uncomfortable with the amount of shedded hair because I don’t think my hair grows that fast as to replace all that hair and because I didn’t detangle my hair earlier, they were getting knotted. Sad.

So I started thinking, what can I do? who have I offended? and all that and then it occurred to me that oh, Im on my period but even then, it’s usually not this much. So after  some soul searching, I decided to do a protein treatment and green tea rinse since Continue reading

How I made my Rosemary oil and benefits.

Hey lovelies.

imageThis post is on a simple DIY I did about a month ago. Been reading about the benefits of Rosemary oil so I decided to make one for myself. Here are some of the benefits I got from around the web:
– When applied over the scalp, rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth. Many people also claim that it can prevent baldness, slows graying, and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp.

– Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus encouraging hair growth.
-Due to it’s antibacterial quality, it gently cleanses hair.
-Increases Continue reading