Why does my scalp itch so much?

Why does my scalp itch so much

Since I started blogging, I get a lot of questions from people asking why one thing or the other is up with their hair/scalp. I find it very flattering that I get asked because it means some people think I know what I’m doing hehe. Thanks lol.
Anyway I plan to start addressing some of these questions or at least the most popular ones. My answers will be based on online researches and then some experience.. So let’s go..

Why does my scalp itch so much?
Personally I lucked out in this department as I don’t have dandruff and my scalp rarely itches but I know tons of people go through this so here’s some things you may want to consider:

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Hey guys..

I know I’m the only that sometimes looks in the mirror and doesn’t like the image staring back.. I also know that my skin isn’t smooth, my tommy isn’t flat enough, my hair isn’t curly or long enough, I’m a tad bit fatter than I want to be and generally my body isn’t just “body goals”. And at my age, I still have acne, the one that people promised me will clear up once my teenage years are over and oh! the stretch marks, these just keep appearing.. And some days, I see people with flawless skins who are other wise perfect and the insecurities set in. But you know what I came to realize, this is me! This is my body, this is who I am. I am so much more than the acne or even my straight white teeth, I am funny, smart, and so much more. So I learned to accept myself and love my self because flaws and all, that’s who I am and I can only get better. It’s a daily process though and that’s why I’m really excited about The girl journey event – The Project loving you! What is this about? I’ll tell ya.. Continue reading

Visual Impressions…

These are my visual impressions of the week.. A new segment on the blog that wouldn’t necessarily be centered on hair.. Just anything I find on Instagram or the web generally that I appreciate and I think you’ll appreciate too and maybe draw some inspiration or style from. Last week, I saw a post on the Internet on how a natural haired girl in the Bahamas I think was kicked out of school by her principal for her “untidy” hair and all of that and it inspired me to put up this post. I’m not an advocate for natural hair or anything like that but it’s just so beautiful and it keeps blowing my mind away and no one should have a problem with it.. I know our hair can be all over the place sometimes but I’ll take a few bad hair days to look this awesome yes? Continue reading